Sunday, December 28, 2008
Will , I
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Rise of Doom
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
And so ..
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Oh , what a great world we have...
You , the betrayer in which you sneaked behind and stabbed me , for I exact eternal damnation.
You , the prejudicial hypocrite in which you perceive me but discriminate , in me you saw your hated self , for I curse you to burn in suffering as in your reflections until the end of time.
You , the proud naive mortal in which you have chosen to sit with "gods" as you see it fits you , time ticks away from you , may you regret in distress in the afterlife as you have ignorantly put yourself higher above things which even you did not see or comprehend.
And my justice have been served , may the prosecuted find their salvation , for I am not without mercy.
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Well ..
Thanks for reading.
Può venire presto , amore?
Thursday, October 9, 2008
The object of things of minuscule things.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Chapter 1 : Perceive
The stinging sound of which seems to emanate inside your head shuts your senses to balance the pain you felt yet your accustomed to it , as if you've have been through this , this confusion , this swirl your mind experienced or dazing falling of the dark abyss your mind , for a time felt familiar as if we have been all over this?
You said we ......
You shake your head to rid of the confusion. You are slumped to the wall at your back. It hurts to even think , for an unknown reason , it is a sharp pain staking the head.
You try to even the situation and try to make a sense of the condition you are in , as basic human instincts usually do. Your eyes weakly seeks out any kind of shape or silhouette , it seems , to your tired eyes , a room , dark-lit and cold ...... you fall to a sleep , too tired to in trying to comprehend the surroundings.
Vision returns to you , woke up once again , the headache is still there , you realize a portion of your memories are missing. But a lot was missing ......
Your name , where you came from , how did you get here. Your hungry , depressed and angry at the fact that you let this happen to you. Something wet and cold flowed down your temple. Blood. Of course its blood you thought. You struggle to lift up your arm , to reach your forehead. The blood is partly dried and wet. You found the source , it was a line of poorly stitched cut. An injury ? An intentional cut? The cut feels too clean , as if it was a surgery yet the stitches are done hastily. Your thinking too much , you calm down and look for something to eat. The atmosphere seems humming and waiting for you in a silent noiseless buzz. This time , you can see more of the room than before with effort though. Amazingly , you got up. Legs failing , your back leans unwillingly to the wall and you droop to the floor. Give up , you thought. After a few moments of silence , sounds inside the room becomes more clear to you , little beeps as it is , in a rhythmic pattern as you listen. From the early perception , steel or plastic crates fill the room , although in it would seem it was messed and ransacked , empty crates won't be much help you thought.
Your shadow accompanies you through the room. Oddly enough , the consoles at the side of the walls of the room seems to be familiar to you. You know what the buttons are for and the functions of each utilities offered by the consoles. You remembered that these consoles are only manufactured for vessels , huge outer space vessels.
One thought provokes you to a run for the ship's bridge. The view outside through the bridge's glassy window , shows you the emptiness of vacuum and space. In the far distance , a multitude number of stars shine and twinkle gracing the void. You are feeling very tense now. Not enough of the shock from the pain , yet being , presumably alone and trapped in a spaceship in the vastness of vacuum with no immediate help whatsoever. You are thinking too much again. An idea popped into your head just after you were thinking up the worst case scenario. The artificial gravity and ventilation of air are produced from the spent power generated by the ship you therefore , there might be a possibility for you to still fly the ship to , maybe , a near habitable planet you thought. You rush towards the consoles for primary power and begin to familiarize yourself with the technology that feels strange yet known to you.
After randomly fiddling controls and pushing buttons , that it might be a bit rushed you thought , then to your surprise a beeping alarm came on. It is a beacon of assort , an emergency beacon to call for help through subspace or maybe just surrounding the nearest system. This could turn bad or , you hope , a decent rescue for you. You left the beacon beeping as you thought it is better than being trapped in the abandoned ship. As you wait with with doubt and worry , you explore the ship.
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
As time shows it to your perceptions.
"I could not let go , I would not." These are the last words of a man left with seemingly impossible choices to choose. He had no more to live for except for the last thing he could still hold close to him. Humans are known for holding on to what they truly cherish but most humans do not even try to comprehend what is dear to them until they face the real danger of losing the supposedly cherished thing that we most of us take for granted of. This foible of ours a majority of us do not realize that it is in all of us , those who claims that they truly cherish something that they love shows that they are unable , yet , of appreciating.
Adrianis Kross , as he is known to his friends and family back before when .......
Monday, August 25, 2008
Last Saturday , the day of days of my days .
That was the day when I thought less of other days. I got out finally. And this time it was not because I had something needed to do but actually I wanted to do. I had done two things , that day , two awesome things. Let go to it chronologically , the first was almost exciting , since I did not go into the field but fun none the less. What was the thing I did? It was paintball. I've seen it several times before but not firsthand. The downside was I only got to target shoot. It was free of charge , a promotion by the facility owner but there was no feel comparing playing in the field I would assume. By the way , playing in the field needs registration and payment. In which I am not in a financial position to join in as of the nearest time. The facility is new and recently opened. As I have heard , it is the only local indoor paintball facility. Well , talk is talk , in this case words are words , here are some proofs.

I am definitely going back there someday when papers denoted as currency are in my pocket :D.
The second of my doing was going out with some friends. Well I just don't seem to see any good elaborating this so I will just describe it with this blog's words. It was a nice change to the usual I had daily. We went out and watched a band battle. It was exciting , we had fun , laughed , felt joy and met with some more friends. I don't feel like posting anymore of this. That's it , taa!
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Moons and Stars
Chris was unfortunately imperfect , but the void could have been filled by her presence in his life. That void slowly devouring him from the inside , unable to be satisfied , it consumed him. He was pale and grieving. Consequently , his life is disordered. Due to this he was pressured to get back on his feet. But failed , all this failure had amounted to an unacceptable burden. It was clear to him , "I tire of this ." he said. One last call , to her. "Hello ...?". The line was hanged up. He would usually thought that the phone was faulty. But this time , he knows , yes he knows.
He grabs a pen and paper. " You are the moon , and the stars are meant to beautify you more . You are out of my reach , to hold you would make me feel alive and kill me . You are there to awe and be admired , I am neither . You are everything , I am nothing . " He folded it , at the glint of moonlight , in his room , Chris staked his heart , between the 4th and 5th rib. His death by knife and his last message would be known , if the fire did not start. Chris left his stove on. His burnt corpse truly was incinerated , the blade dropped when his ashed heart crumbled. And so , his tragedy was only known as an accident by the few of his close friends. Those who had attended the funeral. The message that Chris left , never reached Rose .
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Death is rarely late , appreciate .
I am certainly not the one that should point out , define and/or rant about Death or Life . I am certainly not experienced on this topic . I expect everyone else already knows this . That a life is certainly less appreciated these days , a life is much more comparable to material objects . Too often this occurs .
I should have realized this fact sooner ... it would have done quite a lot of good . I hope its not too late .
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Eh.. ?
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Awesome ...I N T E R N E T ?
The fact is , computers almost never cause any error by it's own fault, homo sapiens do . If we command a computer to do anything it will do it . Tell it to cause an error and damage its Master Boot Record Partition ... it will ... . Yes I did that a few too many times but it was out of curiosity . I was 'exploring' , everyone does it . Trial and error is always the best way to go in any situation relating computers for me . Whats my point? You see , most people are intimidated because they say computers are complicated . It may seem so but it is made simple with the latest Operating Systems . Without these we would all be typing our way to the Internet instead of clicking it , and the phrase , "one click away" would not be coined . Let us all explore this wonder instead of shying away from it .
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Pathetic , Inferior , Useless
Monday, July 21, 2008
F.E.A.R Combat
F.E.A.R. Combat is a released online multiplayer component of F.E.A.R. , absolutely free to play , violent content and an unforgiving game. Firstly , the game is not for newbies . It will automatically assume you have played other FPS before . Therefore transporting you to a bloody mess as soon you enter a server . Also to mention that the servers are sometime annoying to play in especially when there are cheaters in the server , hackers specifically . Don't let that scare you off , there's more , the gameplay is quick and brutal . Don't expect them to be nice to you even if you are a newbie , most online games don't tolerate newbies that don't stand up on their own feet . Although there are exceptions to help you but rare . Other than that , the action offered in-game is exciting , explosive at times and quite loud but we'll get to that later . If you like fast-paced action.... and I don't mean fast as in CS fast ... I mean really fast then this game is for you . Well , there are occasions that if your lagging in-game then it wouldn't be fast as I've said , pick a good server with the lowest ping you could find and maybe you could have a nice game . Or if that didn't do any good , you could always sue your ISP because of the slow connection . *laughs out loud*

Graphically , this game does pretty good if you can see it , with some latest VGA/GPU card but you probably have now because the game was released in 2006 , so in graphics wise there is minimum problem but that doesn't mean you do not need a graphic card , this game demands that you have one and one at high memory too . The game looks dark and gives you a dark atmosphere as in a horror movie since , well , this game's single player is based on a supernatural storyline . And also be prepared for your character in-game decimated , spiked , beamed and blast to oblivion . All this effects are only able if the effects option is turned on at maximum . There is also a physics mechanics in-game so expect blown bodies and limbs thrown about . In the audio part of the game , it is good compared to other FPS I've played that don't seem to care sound wise if you don't have your own sound card . The game sounds 'silent' as if it is waiting for something to happen , well this is what you would expect from a horror shooter of course . The quality is pretty good , you can expect a rival character coming by anticipating their sound of their shots or their running footsteps . Most of the sounds I anticipated got me frags :P .

All in all , you only need an up-to-date PC preferably this year's devices and your good to go.
It is a good game , maybe a demanding game in PC configurations but nevertheless exciting . Oh , you need to download the free distributed client and get your free serial number from this site to play it . There is also an update . You might want to download the update manually too.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Ahhhh..... What am I feeling right now...?
I can't put it anywhere , this feeling ... It feels empty yet it is filling in ... it feels pleasant yet impatient .... It feels like falling but you've already landed... . I just can't place it anywhere . It doesn't fit with anything else . For example when I'm happy , I just experience that light tingle to laugh out loud ... or smile widely .... This I know is not the same ..... I know I can't smile widely ... It'll just ruin that feeling .... I could laugh but then what jokes are for..
It was always dangerous emotionally to tread this path... We all know that . It hurts . Its the sense of fear to be rejected and/or not to be accepted . That's the benefit of us being pretty much picky . We block out the potential pain .
In my humble opinion ..... this feeling isn't meant to find the ONE but to make your search harder so it makes it all worth the effort.....
Thursday, July 10, 2008
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