F.E.A.R. Combat is a released online multiplayer component of F.E.A.R. , absolutely free to play , violent content and an unforgiving game. Firstly , the game is not for newbies . It will automatically assume you have played other FPS before . Therefore transporting you to a bloody mess as soon you enter a server . Also to mention that the servers are sometime annoying to play in especially when there are cheaters in the server , hackers specifically . Don't let that scare you off , there's more , the gameplay is quick and brutal . Don't expect them to be nice to you even if you are a newbie , most online games don't tolerate newbies that don't stand up on their own feet . Although there are exceptions to help you but rare . Other than that , the action offered in-game is exciting , explosive at times and quite loud but we'll get to that later . If you like fast-paced action.... and I don't mean fast as in CS fast ... I mean really fast then this game is for you . Well , there are occasions that if your lagging in-game then it wouldn't be fast as I've said , pick a good server with the lowest ping you could find and maybe you could have a nice game . Or if that didn't do any good , you could always sue your ISP because of the slow connection . *laughs out loud*

Graphically , this game does pretty good if you can see it , with some latest VGA/GPU card but you probably have now because the game was released in 2006 , so in graphics wise there is minimum problem but that doesn't mean you do not need a graphic card , this game demands that you have one and one at high memory too . The game looks dark and gives you a dark atmosphere as in a horror movie since , well , this game's single player is based on a supernatural storyline . And also be prepared for your character in-game decimated , spiked , beamed and blast to oblivion . All this effects are only able if the effects option is turned on at maximum . There is also a physics mechanics in-game so expect blown bodies and limbs thrown about . In the audio part of the game , it is good compared to other FPS I've played that don't seem to care sound wise if you don't have your own sound card . The game sounds 'silent' as if it is waiting for something to happen , well this is what you would expect from a horror shooter of course . The quality is pretty good , you can expect a rival character coming by anticipating their sound of their shots or their running footsteps . Most of the sounds I anticipated got me frags :P .

All in all , you only need an up-to-date PC preferably this year's devices and your good to go.
It is a good game , maybe a demanding game in PC configurations but nevertheless exciting . Oh , you need to download the free distributed client and get your free serial number from this site to play it . There is also an update . You might want to download the update manually too.
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